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Category: Family Law

Family Law

New Year, New priorities: Planning For A Good Year

Many people find that the beginning of the year is a natural time to reflect on the past and think ...
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Family Law

Things to consider when co-parenting over Christmas (Contd.)

How to Co-Parent this Christmas Part 2 In our previous article, we went over some things to consider when making ...
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Family Law

Things To Consider When Co-parenting Over Christmas

Christmas is a special time for families to come together and celebrate the holiday season. For newly separated or divorced ...
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DV legal measures Family Law

How To Apply For A Domestic Violence Order

One critical way of combating violence in the home is to empower individuals to remove themselves from these situations. What avenues are available to those ...
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family court considers mental health of parents Family Law

How Do Mental Health Conditions Affect Family Law Proceedings?

Concerns over the mental health of one parent are common in family law proceedings. As such the family court approaches the topic very seriously, incorporating ...
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I Told My Partner I Want A Divorce – What Happens Next?

No one enters a marriage anticipating that it will end. However, things don’t always work out the way we’d like ...
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Family Law Myth #2: I Have To Go To Court To Get Custody Over My Kids

Another common question we often get from our clients is whether or not they need to show up to court ...
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Family Law Myth #1: Children Will Always Live With The Mother Post-Separation

There are a lot of misconceptions around how family law operates, largely influenced to a degree by Hollywood and what ...
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Can My Former Spouse Keep The House?

After a de facto or married couple has decided to separate, they may begin the process of drafting a financial ...
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Legalities Of Getting Married In Queensland

You might think it’s simple enough: pop the question, find a celebrant and get your friends and family together for ...
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