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Setting goals for a successful 2021

Setting goals for a successful 2021

As we start a new year, many of you may be breathing a big sigh of relief. 2020 is over! Every year can have its challenges, but with a very unexpected global pandemic thrown in the mix, last year certainly brought about its own set of unique obstacles.

At the start of any new year, many people sit down to think about their goals and make a list of things they would like to achieve over the next 12 months. At Life Law, we are no exception! Goal setting is an excellent way to continue moving forward and to feel a sense of achievement as you reach a milestone or see your progress through the journey. We wholeheartedly believe that reflecting on the past and then looking ahead will help to set you up for success and make each year better than the last.

We’ve found the below questions helpful in reflecting on our current lifestyle and daily habits and mapping out our goals for the year ahead.

Personal/family goals

▪️ How is your work/life balance? Is it working for you? Perhaps it’s time to prioritise a family holiday or to get your weekends back if you’re a chronic overworker.

▪️What can you implement to better look after you? Self-care can take various forms, from mindfulness activities to finding a new hobby or starting a gratitude journal. Find something you enjoy and that works for you.

▪️Do you feel fit and healthy? Regular exercise is linked to mental clarity and overall wellbeing. Be realistic and set achievable goals that are important to you. 

▪️ Are you financially secure? Revisiting your budget is always a timely exercise at the start of the year. Saving for a home, your child/ren’s education or a family holiday are all big-ticket items that can cause some stress. A clear plan of your savings goals and what you would like to achieve will help to bring clarity and a workable plan.

Career goals

▪️ Have you thought about where you would like to be in 1, 5 or 10 years time? For some, retirement may be on the cards whilst for others, a promotion or even career change could bring greater fulfilment.  

▪️  Would you like to pursue higher education or develop your skills in a particular area? Not only does upskilling benefit you in your current role, developing your skills can assist you in future job prospects. 

▪️  If you are a business owner, how do you plan on growing your business this year? Often business owners spend time IN their business instead of ON their business. Take a step back and evaluate how things are going and where you can improve.

For more helpful career advice and professional development tips, head over to the Acumen Leadership website. The Acumen team delivers leadership centric information and education.

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain

Getting your affairs in order

As well as general goal setting, the start of a new year is a great time to get your affairs in order. Perhaps you have recently purchased a property or had a baby? It’s important to review your Wills & Estates plan to ensure everything is up to date and your assets are accurately recorded should the unfortunate happen.

If you are contemplating separation or a change in your relationship circumstances in 2021, we are also available to help you navigate these challenging times.

To book an appointment with one of our team, then please contact our office on (07) 3343 9522 or (07) 5446 1745. Alternatively, you can book today using our online availability service below.

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