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Wills & Estate Planning

Why do I need wills and estate planning?


Wills, enduring powers of attorney and estate planning are not the most exciting things to have to consider in life. The mere contemplation of a will, considering what will happen to your property if you die, isn’t something that gets many people excited (except estate planning lawyers like us!).

You are also far more likely to be thinking about your next holiday, the kids school commitments, planning a celebration for a life event or wondering how you can work hard to get a promotion. Obviously these things are important in your life, but what happens next?

It is fundamentally important to your family and those who you care about when you are gone that you have prepared a Will. Take it from our estate lawyers, the person that dies without a will leaves behind far more distress and angst for the person who has to administer wills & estate, not to mention complicated legal headaches.

What we can assist you with:

  • Preparing your Will;
  • Considering whether you need complex Will structures including Testamentary Trusts;
  • Advising you about your Will, who to appoint, people you need to think about providing for;
  • Preparing an Enduring Power of Attorney; and
  • Preparing an Advanced Health Directive.

If our Wills and Estate planning lawyers in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast can assist you with any of these areas –  and other estate planning matters which aren’t specifically listed above – contact us. 

read more about wills & estates

We have plenty of articles on the administration of a deceased estate to help you understand better, or answer questions you may have.