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Things to consider when co-parenting over Christmas (Contd.)

Things to consider when co-parenting over Christmas

How to Co-Parent this Christmas Part 2

In our previous article, we went over some things to consider when making co-parenting plans this Christmas. In this article, we’d like to discuss how parents might divide time with their kids over the holidays. 

Remember, you need to be flexible. The times you agreed on may not be possible due to an unexpected event. While this might be hurtful, ultimately, your child’s best interests are what matter. 

With that in mind, how can you and your former spouse organise to spend quality time with your child this Christmas?

One week with each parent

One arrangement can place the child with one parent in the week leading up to, and including, Christmas Day, then staying with the other parent for the week of New Year’s. This set up is useful for parents that don’t reside close to each other as you aren’t ferrying your child around at a busy time of year too much. Extending the period spent with each parent allows enough quality time and minimises the stress of travel. 

This arrangement is also handy because it incorporates two significant dates: Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve/Day. This way, both parents can share a special time with their child. To keep things fair, you could also agree to alternate weeks each year.

Christmas morning with one parent, and Christmas evening with the other parent

If the co-parents live close to each other, it may be more feasible to split up Christmas Day itself. The child could spend Christmas morning and afternoon in one household, and have Christmas dinner with the other parent. It’s important to ensure that the child has enough time with both parents. They shouldn’t spend the majority of the day in one location and only a few hours at the other. 

You can position this plan as extra exciting for your child by telling them they have two homes to enjoy Christmas in instead of one. They can then look forward to opening presents twice in one day. What kid wouldn’t love that?

Sharing a meal together

If a divorced couple has remained on good terms, it may be possible to share a meal together with your child. This could be a good option if one parent has very little free time over the holidays and isn’t able to take custody of the child for any period. It can also be a special moment for the child to see their parents interacting positively despite the separation. 

Communication is important. Ensure that any other family members in attendance understand the situation and will also be civil with the estranged parent. Any bad feelings that come to the surface may cause emotional harm to your child. 

As you can see, there are ways you can divide the holidays so both parents can see their child. A lot depends on distances involved and availability of the parents. But, even if you are tightly constrained, you can still work something out as long as you’re both willing to compromise.  If you’re unsure what arrangement would work best for your circumstances, contact Life Law Solutions today and we can help you organise a happy and fulfilling Christmas holidays. 

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